Acts 2:32-42
32 "This Jesus God rose, to which all of us are witnesses; 33 therefore the power of God raised him up, and the promise of the Holy Spirit having been recieved from the father, thsi he poured out, which you all are seeing and hearing. 34 For David went not up inot the heavens, but he said himself, saying, 'Lord, the Lord of mine, sit at my right hand, 35 until I put your enemies a footstool of your feet.' 36 Therefore surely let all the house of Israel konw that Lord and Christ God made Jesus; this who you all crucified." 37 But the ones who heard were troubled deeply, and they said to Peter and the remaining apostles, "What should we do brothers?" 38 But Peter said to them, "You all Repent! And you all be Baptized, every one of you, with the name of Jesus Christ into forgiveness of your sins, and you all will recieve the gift of the holy spirit. 39 For the promise is to you all and your children and all those far away, as many as our Lord God may call." 40 With many other words he insisted and was encouraging them, saying, "You all have been saved away from this twisted generation." 41 Indeed therefore the ones who recieved the word were Baptized and they were added in that day; as much as 3,000 souls. 42 But they were following steadfastly to the teaching of the apostles and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.
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